Hookup @ 730am Sat- first run off was 200 yards ++ on the new Stella 20000
Broken tuna belt – no problem
Put on another tuna belt – got it, no problem
Large cut on inside right bicep – no problem
Broken Rod guide after being slammed on the forward deck – no problem
No ceramic ring in broken guide while fighting a 70”+ fish- now, that’s a problem
Wire cutters and pliers to remove guide – no problem
Fight the fish another 30 mins- then lost fish after 40 mins…..what the hell, BFT wins again…..??
We shouldn’t have been casting into the pod of Volkswagens anyway…..!
(check out how much line had dumped off in pic # 3 (where is shows the broken guide)
Seth is the Manager of the Fishing Dept at Kittery Trading Post. He was using the Local Hooker VIPER w/a STELLA 20000 reel.